
We specialize in:



- Environment


- Water cycle and irrigation


- Agriculture and forestry


- Territorial planning


- Health and Safety Coordination


Certified by ISO 9001 ISO 14001:


Home Quality and Environmental Policy
03/01/2011 -Rev 0

GAENA ENVIRONMENT SL assumes the responsibility of improving the quality of its services and incorporating environmental ethics in the execution of the studies and projects, civil management and technical assistance, by improving its activities according to the environment and best practices of management of natural resources, in order to provide a better service.

In order to achieve these results the company is committed to introduce, implement and continuously improve a Quality and Environment Management System under the UNE EN ISO 14001:2004 and EN ISO 9001:2008 standars, considering:

  • To include Environmental Management standars in the implementation of processes to develop projects, studies, technical assistance, etc.
  • To include Environmental Management standars in the implementation of processes to develop projects, studies, technical assistance, etc.
  • Providing the necessary resources to carry out this policy.
  • To provide the required training and information to employees and personnel related to. Also, to promote a sense of responsibility in relation to Quality Management and the conservation and improvement of the environment.
  • To comply with all applicable environmental legal requirements in the development of the projects, trying to go beyond the statutory minima, when possible.
  • To rationalize the consumption of natural resources and energy.
  • To prevent pollution and to reduce the environmental impacts on the development of our activities.
  • To continually improve environmental practices in the implementation of projects.
  • To set targets at all levels of the company and track them, thus improvement can be measured.
  • To periodically review our Quality Management System, and also to assess opportunities for improvement or needs to make changes in the system.
  • To ensure the adequacy and continuous effectiveness of the system, thereby strengthening the trust and satisfaction of our customers.
  • To communicate the Company´s Quality and Environmental Policy to all employees, partners and public that request it.

The management of GAENA ENVIRONMENT SL acknowledge that in order to fulfill these objectives is essential the participation of all employees of the company, uniting their efforts to permanently improve their individual work, the teamwork and the total commitment to the objectives of the company.



The Management


Lleida, January 3, 2011